Famous Quotes About Life

Repetition of an expression in a form or as a part of another is expressed by quotation. Quotes are used for copying a text from another place. quotes are saying of famous people about things that they observe in their entire life. We all know that we can’t try something knew without failure or guidance of our elders. So whenever we decide to do something we consult to the people who already had experience of that thing. For the same reason we follow quotes of famous people, people whom we know well and considered our ideal personalities.
Abraham Lincoln is the same legend whose quotes people follow the most. Abraham Lincoln was the 16 president of United State America, Who saved United State from it’s worst military, constitutional and moral crisis. And fought against slavery. As a president and a great legend his saying was so important to be remembered. Quotes of Bill gates are also famous, Bill gates needs no introduction as he is well known in the field of technology. A normal failure student who proved himself by his work and talent. and proved that talent don’t need a professional degree to prove the abilities. He is the owner of Microsoft. He said some famous quotes that represents his success and inspire others who Wanna be like him.
In my today’s post, I have collected some famous quotes of famous personalities like mentioned above. I hope you would like this post and do leave your feedback at the end of this post that will help us to improve our collection. Also you can visit Cartoon Wallpapers

Muhammad Ali’s Quote


Measure Of a Man


Two Infinite Things


Quote From BAT Man


John Rambo’s Quote


Only You


Eminem Quote


Forget What Hurt You




Always Borrow Money


When I’m Sad


Some One is Happy


You Are The Creator


Rob Marley’s Quote


Oscar Wilde


 Sister n Chocolates




Dance n Music


Don’t Let Idiots




Jim Rohn








Simple Things


Hardest Thing


Practice Of Tolerance


First They Ignore


 Bill Gates


 Einstein Quote




 Steve Job’s Quote




 Bill Gate’s Quote


 Easy to Hate


 Two Days


 Any Rand Quote


 Work to Learn


 Dark Plans

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