30 Cute Smileys

Smiley is as important as words in a conversation. They hold a mandatory significance whenever we text. With the increase in the use of social media like facebook, twitter, g plus, myspace and others, the use of the smileys has reached its peak. Whether it is a status update, sharing or commenting, the use of smileys is a must. Infact without a smiley you cannot express clearly what you are trying to say. These smileys give your words some expression. Usually a conversation is devoid of expression, you cannot exactly tell whether a person is taking serious or in a satirical tone. Even a person’s happiness cannot be expressed solely by words, there needs to be some other thing which depicts and expresses your feelings, and this favor is done by the smileys. In other words smileys complement a conversation. For communicating successfully, you must know the use of smileys. It is very simple. These are actually faces depicting feelings which are formed by the use of characters like colon, semi-colon and different alphabets and other characters like these. In our cell phones and social media, most of the times you do not have to type to make the smileys, they are already available. It makes it even more easy to use. However if you do not want to use those smileys, then my today’s post is surely going to help you a lot. Because today I have collected amazing smileys for facebook, skype etc. Make those smileys in your chat and do tell me if you like them. Also visit other posts on my blog. Keep visiting GraphicsHeat.

Simple Smiley


 Naughty Smiley


Sad Smiley


Cute Smiley


 Fun Smiley


 Teeth Smiley


 Smile Smiley


 Glasses Smiley


 Cute Smile




 Pink Smile


 Innocent Smile


 Black Glasses


 Green Smile


 Angry Smiley




 Naughty Smile


 Ninja Smiley


 Book Smile


 Yellow Smile


 Funny Smiley


 Cute Smile


 Smile Wallpaper


 Evil Smile


 Fun Smile


 Congratulation Smile


 Black Eyes


 Cutest Smile


 Red Evil Smile


 Smiley Wallpaper

Post Tagsemoticonemoticonssmileysmiley facessmileys