25+ Skype And Facebook Emoticons

Emoticons are the expressions which express our feelings. In a conversation through text we need to express our feelings which cannot be expressed solely by words. So apart from words or sentences there has to be some other way to communicate successfully. This service is done by smileys or emoticons. If you are happy instead of writing the words you can express the feelings of happiness with the help of emoticons. Further the feelings sometimes are not completely expressed by the use of words. Emoticons are actually the faces drawn to show the emotions. These have made limited the use of words in conversation. Or in other words they have replaced the importance of words or even sentences. They effectively communicate the message within a sentence in the form of graphical representation. The emoticons are especially important when a person talks ironically or sarcastically. These smileys assist in providing the complete meaning of words or sentences. All of the emoticons are made up of colon, semicolon, dashes, brackets, some alphabets and other characters in specific order. The use of emoticons has increased tremendously with the popularity and craze of social media. Today I have brought a cool collection of brand new as well as old emoticons used in different social media like Facebook, Skype etc. You can use these emoticons for your expression of love, hate, happiness, sadness, anger etc. during your text conversations. I hope you will like my collection. Stay tuned for more and also see Top Smileys.  Thanks for visiting Graphicsheat.

Best Emoticons


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