Love is the most amazing feeling in the world. It is often said that love happens when you least expect it. Yes love isn’t something that is pre-planned and carefully chosen. It can happen anytime and mostly a person isn’t aware of this feeling. The feelings of love gradually nourish in the heart of the lover and he finds out his heart beating fast on the name of his love one. A person experiencing love starts to care for the love one in a special and significant way. Being loved makes you feel special and distinct. True love is hard to find. The feelings of mere infatuation cannot be termed as love; there is a big difference between love and infatuation or attraction. Infatuation leads to flirting and is not ethical; it is immoral to play with the emotions of the other person. I would like to share a very wise quotation by the famous Mughal emperor Tipu Sultan.
Once a soldier asked him, ‘Is it right that everything is fair in love and war?’ In a n epic sentence he replied: it is an excuse of certain people, our tradition is that whatever is done in Love and War should be Fair’. So if you love someone be loyal to him/her and never hurt or disappoint him/her. Today I have collected some awesome quotes by great authors about love. I am sure you will love my today’s post. Also see other quotes on my bog like Knowledge Quotes. Keep visiting Graphicsheat for more.
Do The Math
We Came Together
There Only 1 Thing
Am I Crazy
Heart Quote
Nice Quote
Everyone Says You
Build Up Walls
Love Something
A Girl In Love
Love Makes Our Friends
Cute Quote
Rose Quote
Happiness Quote
Tears Quote
I Love You
What Is Love
When You Realize
Post Love Sayings
Beginnings Are Scary
What Is A Friend
One Word
Funny Love Quote
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