25 Astonishing And Deep Girl Quotes

The world’s beauty and attraction lies in girls. They embellish it with their spotlight presence and colors. They are the charm of the world. Teenage girls are stylish, rude, funky, naughty and yes they are cute and innocent too. There are a lot of words that may describe a girl in her different roles in life. As a sister she is like a cracker, ready to burst at you often without any reason and fights with you over small things. At the same time she is the one who keeps your secrets and help you whenever you are in a fix. As a girl friend she is like a bomb that can explode anytime whenever you let her expectations down. However as a daughter she is a blessing and the qualities you gain after becoming the father of a girl is that you become responsible and more careful. In all of her roles she is quite hard to handle. Jokes apart, girls are the florescent that illuminate your house with their presence.
For daughters it is often said that daughters spread like music in the house, when she speaks, speaks without break and everyone wonders when she will stop. When she is silent everyone asks if she is fine or not. She is the real non-stop music. Girls may be trouble makers due to their mischievous nature in adolescence but they are sensitive and need to be dealt with love and affection. If you give her respect she will make your life Heaven and comfort you going out of the way for you as this creature of God is the most sacrificing and compromising of all. Today the topic of my post is quotes about girls. They describe a girl’s feelings, emotions, her strong and weak points and few tips to understand her mentality and tips to deal with them. I hope these girl quotes will be useful for all and girls would love these for sure. Cheers!! Also see Hate Quotes

Wanted To Be Adored

”I tool you with me because i was vain, because i wanted to be adored.”

 All The Sky I Need

”All the sky i need.”

 I Don’t Know Who Invented

”I dont know who invented high heels. But all women own him a lot.”

Girls Quote

”Thank heaven for little girls.”

 Girls And Boys

”Don’t waste your time thinking of someone you will never have. Time is precious, he isn’t”


Friends are the flowers in the garden of life. A true friend.Laughs at your stories even they are not so good., and sympathizes with your troubles even when the are not so bad.

 Guys Have No Idea

”Guys have no idea how long something they said can stay in a girls mind.”

 Make Me Laugh

”Make me laugh”

 The Girls

”The girls have gone wild.”

 Type Of Girl

I am the type of girl. who will burst out laughing at something that happened yesterday

 Words Are Sharp

Words are sharp as knives and can kill us Easily, Be careful how you use them.

 Boy And Girl

”Boy : Does he make you laugh like i did? Girl : He does not make me cry like you did.”

 Boys Never Realize

”Boys never realize how much one little thing can hurt a girl.”

 I Wanna Be

I wanna be the girl . He’s scared to lose. The  one where he can’t walk walk away from knowing shes mad at him. The one who can;t fall asleep without her voice being the last one he hear.The one would not know what to do with out.

 Nothing Is More Beautiful

”Nothing is more beautiful than a real smile that has struggled through tears.”

 I’m Just A Girl

”I am just a girl. I lave being called pretty, but i will never believe it. I am not always right, but hate admitting i am wrong. Iam almost always smiling, but its not always real. I can read like an open book, bit hide so much. I work hard at things, but don’t always get what i deserve.I am just a girl”

 Best Way

”Sometimes the best way to get someone’s attention is to stop giving them yours.”

 Call Me beautiful


 I Wonder

”I wonder what it feels like to be one of those pretty girls that all guys want.”

 I’M A Girl

”I am a girl. I don’t smoke. I don’t drink I don’t drink. I don’t party every weekend. I don’t wear three inches of makeup. I don’t put sultry pictures.I don’t make out with loads of guys, or other girls, to get attention. I am a girl, and i am me.And i am not going to change for anyone.”

 No Matter How

”No matter how strong a girl is, she has a weak point. And some times all she need is a hug.”

 I Wana Be Remembered

”I wanna be remembered as the girl who always smiled. The one who could always brighten your day. Even if she could not brighten her own”.

 Promise Me


 Loved You Once

”Loved you once. Love you still. Always have always will.”

 I’m Just A Girl

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